Our Story

Hi! My name is Amanda. I am from Sudan. A country found under Egypt, located in Africa. I am the first in my family to be born & raised in the United States of America. My dad departed his home at the age of 19 to chase the dream of coming to america. He was homeless, but he worked his way up until he opened his first business. Once he opened his business, he went back to sudan to marry my mom, brought her here, then I was born.

How it started

It was 2018, I was 17 years old in my senior year of high school, and something in me wanted more for myself. Not because of what I seen in others, but because of what I didn't see. I am from West Palm Beach Florida, and there aren't many examples around here.  I decided I wanted to sell lashes. At first, I came up with the company called "EyeGlam" It was not successful & not much of anything sold. I decided to stop, rebrand, and came up with the YR Collection. I wanted to create a brand that not only sold lashes, but made other girls around the world feel better about themselves. I started, and it was a success. It became a success in my city, then I started getting orders from different states. I genuinely have a passion for what I do. I came up with "Collection" because I wanted to sell more than lashes. After I graduated high school, I decided to move to Tallahassee to attend college, (I planned on becoming a doctor because i loved helping people) but I came back because it wasn't for me & decided to take my brand to the next level. I started selling hair. People loved the quality & I started to expand. Covid-19 hit, and it was a time for me to self reflect & dig deeper within myself. I realized my passion for helping others would start through my business. 

At first, when you fail, get up & try again. Keep trying and until you find out your passion, & what works for you.